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- Cod produs:
- DSFT-314555
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Dimensiune: 648 x 19 x 10 mm.
INCRA Miter Slider SE (648 mm / 25.5 inch lungime)
When you need to build super-accurate sliding jigs and fixtures, the new INCRA Miter Slider SE combines the time savings of the original aluminum Miter Slider with the unique performance and feel of the adjustable GlideLOCK Miter Bar used on INCRA Miter Gauges. These beefy miter slot runners are perfect for the most demanding jig applications!
The heavy steel construction is more rigid than any wooden or plastic runners, and they're not susceptible to changes in humidity or temperature. Miter Slider SE bars are drilled and tapped with two separate bolt patterns: (4) #10-24 holes attach the bars quickly to your own custom jigs and they also match perfectly with the INCRA Build-It Panels. These #10 holes are spaced identically to the original Miter Slider, so the Miter Slider SE is a direct, bolt-on upgrade to jigs and fixtures you may have already constructed Miter Sliders. There's also a second set of (3) 1/4"-20 holes evenly spaced along the length to accept knobs and other fasteners commonly used when building jigs and fixtures.
Long-wearing Nylon GlideLOCK adjusting discs conveniently adjust from the top and provide a precise fit in the miter slot of many table saws, router tables, and band saws, and the discs also give the bars a smooth, low-friction travel. The 18" bar has two pairs of discs, and the 25.5" bar has three pairs. Both sizes include removable T-slot retaining clips for BOTH ends of the bar for superior stability of larger jigs.
The Miter Slider SE will fit square-sided miter slots approximately 3/4" wide, 3/8" (19.05 x 9.52 mm) deep, and with or without a 15/16"-wide T-slot at the bottom. The GlideLOCK adjustment will accommodate slots measuring 0.740" to 0.765" (18.8 to 19.4 mm) in actual width.The Miter Slider SE is not recommended for stationary jigs that must be locked into position within a miter slot. The standard aluminum Miter Slider is the best choice for these applications.
Width is slightly undersized (18.7 mm) to support smooth action.
Included in the delivery:
1 Long Arm Hex Key 3/32 inch
3 Phillips Pan Head Screws 10-24 x 1/2 UNC
3 Washers 10 SAE
4 Phillips Flat Head Screws 10-24 x 1/2 UNC
(Thread diameter "10-24" denominates the Unified Coarse Thread with 3/16 inch diameter. Length of screws without head 12.7 mm. Not compatible with metric threads!)
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