- Disponibilitate:
- Cu precomandă
- Cod produs:
- FT705108
- SKU:
- DCT-705108
- Marca:
- Generic
Micro-mesh 152 x 100 mm, o singură bucată
Granulație: 8000 JIS
Micro-mesh can be used with most standard cutting oils, honing oils or coolants, either water or oil based. Micro-mesh can not be used with solvents like acetone or certain chlorinated solvents. Micro-Mesh can be used by hand. Use light pressure only, high pressure will not increase speed of your work.
Micro-mesh is not an aggressive stock remover. Common sandpaper is required for the removal of deep scratches before using Micro-mesh. Micro-mesh grit 1500 is similar to FEPA P800 or ANSI 400. The 12000 will leave a scratch pattern that cannot be detected by the human eye. See grit conversion chart.
Micro-mesh can be used for plastic, wood, many metals, finishes. Micro-mesh is used in many fields: furniture restoration, archeology, wood finishes, lense repair, acrylic repair, boats, watch glasses, wooden instruments, hand tool repair.